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3 Steps To Help Heal Your Mind From Emotional Baggage

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Dealing with mental strain can be exhausting. If you’re carrying around emotional unhealthiness it can be detrimental to your physical well-being as well. Here’s three great ways to help you leave the mental baggage and emotional negativity behind you so that you can become a healthier you. 1. Journal Your notebook doesn’t have to be fancy, but it can be if you’d like. The key is to write down what’s bothering you now, what bothered you in the past, and what’s scaring you about the future. You can keep your journals a secret for your eyes only or you can...

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3 Tips To Help You Wind Down And Sleep Soundly

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If you find yourself having trouble unwinding from your day and getting a restful sleep, these three tips will help you find your way to sweet slumber. 1. Create A Schedule Getting yourself into a routine before bed – and sticking to it – will help your physical and your mental parts know it’s bed time and that that means it’s time to wind down and start getting into relax mode. Make a cup of tea, turn your lights off, put your cell phone on the charger, and turn off the laptop. Train yourself to ‘unplug’ from your today, it’s...

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5 Ways To Be The Awesome Person You Are

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1. Love Yourself This is first and foremost. If you don’t love you – learn to. Because if you don’t, it will be hard for anyone else to see how truly awesome you really are. 2. Get To Know Yourself Spend some time with yourself and really understand your mental, physical, and emotional needs and desires. Explore yourself, connect to yourself, and most of all – appreciate your uniqueness and individuality. 3. Forgive Yourself Write down everything that you’ve ever doubted yourself on, everything you thought you could have handled better, and everything that made you feel inferior throughout your...

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3 Ways To Be At Your Most Healthiest Emotionally

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Emotional health is so important to our overall health level, but yet it’s an area that some of tend to overlook when we make the decision to become a healthier individual. Follow the three ways below to strengthen your emotional and mental well-being. 1. Stop Judging Seriously, cut it out. It just makes you miserable and stress more. Practice being more open to others’ beliefs, dreams, goals, and lifestyle habits. We all have different desires and outlooks on things and it’s important we train ourselves to be more open-minded rather than be turned off because someone doesn’t think along the...

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Emotional Cleansing – Letting Go Of Guilt

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Letting go of guilt can be an emotional catharsis for your soul – here are three ways to help you free yourself from the burden of feeling guilty. 1. Journaling Getting your feelings down on paper is a tried and true way to let them out. If you’d like to let someone know how you feel, then you have that option but if you’d rather just write down how something made you feel or what your opinion is on something/someone – you can, and no one has to see it. Journaling is a fantastic way to self-reflect on your life,...

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4 Ways To Stop Overthinking Your Decisions

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1. Get To Know Yourself If you know yourself inside and out then the likeliness of overthinking only has power if you allow it to. Make it a habit to spend some alone time with yourself – read a book, visit a park, write in your journal. Your goal in life isn’t to please everyone, it’s to be at peace with yourself. So make it a priority to be happy and in tune with yourself so that you in turn can be confident in your decision making process, no matter the topic. 2. Look At The Big Picture Ground yourself...

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5 Tips To Help Stop Overeating

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Overeating can be a big problem for some of us, and if you’re looking to lose weight it’s a mighty big obstacle that has the potential to stand in your way. Here’s five tips to help you get any overeating under control. 1.Drink Water This is the #1 most important thing you can do whether you’re dieting or not. Water is so good for you and your body, not only just in keeping you hydrated but to help curb hunger and to keep your digestive track in line. 2. Eat Slowly Give your palate a chance to taste your food...

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3 Ways To Be Resilient With Staying Healthy

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It isn’t just a choice to be healthy, it’s an entire mind, body, and self change that you commit to on a daily basis. Here’s three ways to be resilient to staying healthy – even if you fall off the bandwagon every now and then. 1. Know Your Strengths If you’re good at, say, – scheduling things and to-do lists – then use that to your advantage. Every day make out your list of what needs to get accomplished, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t fit it all in in one day. If you’re good at cooking, then...

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3 Stress Relievers For Busy Moms

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As if you didn’t already know that being a mom is stressful – finding ways to cope and handle that stress is crucial to your emotional as well as your physical well being, both for you and your family. Here are three ways to help you bust through the stress and be one peaceful mama. 1. Get Up Earlier Than The Rest Of The House Trust me, I know you want and need your sleep – but I’m not saying get up six hours ahead of everyone. I’m talking more like twenty or thirty minutes earlier. Not only will it...

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The Best 5 Ways To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

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We all want an easy and healthy pregnancy. And you should follow the advice of your doctor as soon as you find out that you’re expecting. Staying healthy throughout the full nine months isn’t always as easy as pie. Some ladies have zero health problems while others seem to be fighting a new one every other month. Here are five ways that you can help you and your developing baby stay healthy and happy for the entire duration of your pregnancy. 1. Eat Frequently Those expectant mothers with nausea and/or morning sickness best speak to your doctor first because you...

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